Tuesday, July 28, 2009


inside a lot of song, representing a lot of special meanings, especially mandarin song, when a people feel that he/she is useless person, she/he will sing a song name "残废". this is a very nice song to describe how useless of a person. when turn to another song "missing you" then can tell out already, how much you miss a person...when a people holding the mic and singing a very sad song...can sure that she/he is experienced what the song talking about...like "我不难过" you really think that person singing in this song is not sad? no, that person is sad over already...keep telling himself/herself i not sad...is okay...every things will be better soon...fuckdup plz!! no this such of things, sad is cannot hide, can pretend happy in front of others, but the painful is still there, when? when going to end it? when going not to think about it again? the answer no one will know, no one can estimate the duration of the sadness, no one can help...i think the day of the end is the day he/she really pain until no feelings, like after take drugs...and the life will become no color, or only left one color that is "GREY"....

Saturday, July 25, 2009


在这个宁静的凌晨,已经是四点五十六分了,他又坐在了电脑前发着呆。突然间,他想起了一首歌,歌名是 “爱太痛” ,他便开了这首歌,一边听,一边就读着歌词,原来歌是会给人带来许多的感觉,痛是其中不可淘汰的一个。每当他听到一些歌,心里就开始流泪了,为什么会这样呢?因为他曾经为他的女朋友做过一个song list, 那里还写了所有他女朋友喜欢的歌,他还答应一定会用心的唱完每一首歌给他的女朋友听,他很用心的练list里的每一首歌,希望他唱的时候是充满诚意,充满了感觉,他也希望他女朋友在听他的歌的时候会被感动到,也会感觉到他对他女朋友的那一份爱意和诚意。他是一个很-ve 的人,他的生活里从来没有出现过一首开心的歌,因为他的女朋友,他开始了人生中第一首开心的歌,数到五答应我“ , 也因为他女朋友他的生活充满了色彩,他很谢谢“她”的出现。但是很多东西往往就不是那么的简单。爱太痛 这首歌唱:“他已经 (笑不能笑 哭不能哭 人不像人 鬼不像鬼, 朋友都说这, 不过失恋)“ 他在想真的那么简单吗?没有真真爱过,又怎么会痛呢?他一直在问 能不能不爱了? 因为爱太痛了! 痛到快死了,也无法把你忘了!他希望可以不再爱,不再徘徊在这个处境里,他想用笑容来催眠眼泪,可是到最后眼泪往往都胜一筹,往往都不能把他的眼泪好好的控制。他是一个很爱唱歌的人,他朋友说他唱得最好听得时候就是他很伤心的时候,难道要他再继续唱歌好听吗?他到了现在还不够痛吗?伤心已经慢慢的侵入他的生活里,他的身边就剩下了蓝子和一些再唱也没有意思的歌,和可能会常伴在他身边的那个人:Mrs.伤心。

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A guy said : "

Almost 3am, a guy still sit in front of computer, keep on click click and click the mouse one...what for he so late still haven sleep? finally i got it what he busying in this midnight. he viewing some pictures from his storage, what he viewing is all related he and his girl friend. all is their happy memory...is it suffer to view that in the midnight? every time he click on the mouse one, he also will feel pain, and the tears also keep dropping...this guy consider stupid? why because a girl make his life so meaningless, why because of a girl then he spoiled his life? everyone will scold him, stupid, silly this world got a lot of girl, no need end up like this because a girl. the guy said:" if you din really put effort on that, you wont feel pain! if you did, the pain is not only pain..."

Sunday, July 19, 2009


1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.
13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

a funny story...

the guy said : this time of break up really too pain...every time when go some place that have memory of her...my heart like kenal knife...the painful of each knife is keep increasing...i know only 3weeks...i also don't know why i can hurt until like that...is it needed? only can tell feeling is cant control at all...actually my concept is so easy only...i just wan my love happy...she happy every things for me is okay already..i tot treat her good, always make her happy, take good care of her, then should be no problem and will be maintain the relation very good...finally i got the result is not what i think!! why the result is like that? i really cant accept it!!!!
i don't know what i did make her like that. really! i keep on ask myself i don't wan any reward de!!! i treat her good not wan her treat me good back!!!! i jz wan her happy...thats all...why? why i will get this kind of result? she wont know how much painful i having now...if she feel that leave her can make her life more happy...i decide to leave is okay for...i suffer never mind...she stay in the good life then every things will be okay.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


finally, got one day no need think about every things...can sleep well...but the % of drunk also cant reach 99.9999%~ drink a lot also cant get drunk, don't know why! SIENZ! some time will keep on asking why, but at the end also can't get the answer. nini also will say don't sad don't so sad, you! 0 every things is 0 you not really want why take take it???!?!?!??!??!?!?!?

Friday, July 17, 2009


曾经想过 , 如果我不是我 , 我不用烦恼我现在的烦恼
如果不曾遇上你 , 那么生活将是平淡如水更加枯燥乏味 如果不曾知道你是谁 , 那么我的心里不会多了一个名字
如果不曾凝视你的眼神 , 那么孤寂的心怎可能加快跳动
因为喜欢了你 , 所以我成了一块玻璃般不堪一击 ,
我害怕失去你而摔落地 , 换来粉身碎骨 , 弄得遍体鳞伤 ,
或许我想得太多 , 问得太多 , 说得太多 , 无论如何也明白不到你的心
难过的寂夜里 , 总是格外安静 , 我听见了自己柔弱的呼吸
闭起疲倦的双眼 , 我还是看见你不能抹灭掉的笑容
我究竟 , 还要在这里徘徊多久 ?
我究竟 , 仍要在这里停滞多久 ?
什么时候 , 才能够走出来 , 嚐嚐属於我的蓝天与白云
我怕到时候 , 我已经再没有能力了…

Sunday, July 12, 2009


(2)每次和你在一起的时候,他会很沉默,明明牵着你的手,却一会看天一会看云,你会认为他不喜欢 你,错了,此时他眼里只有你,只是他习惯了一个人的感觉.

6 rules and regulation(女孩子很难知道的6件事)



今天有很多个"是真的吗?" 想得到答案. 第一,每当想跟一个人分手时候,往往都会想,冷静一点!从新好好从组你的心情,对她/他好一点,因该会没问题。原来这个就是一个很不好的提醒,就是在这个 你很想用心去挽回的时候,他/她就会跟你提出了"分开"!为什么会这样呢?没人可以解释。这个"是真的吗?" 在我的身边也有很多次的出现!最后一句很同意的话"来得快, 去得快, 如果不会, 取得更快"

Thursday, July 9, 2009

"Presentation" & "Exam"

when we saw "presentation" this word, some students will panic and nervous. "Exam" this word more scary in student's life... A group name Infinity, they trying the best to do well in the presentation but finally they consider failed... this experience make everyone moody and sad. If the time can return back, than every things will be very good and perfect. the next part will talk about exam!! only can use one word to describe "useless". the main reason is just a simple question but cannot answer. really fuckdup...and so disappointed !!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

"暂时分手" & " 好 " 都不好啊?

何谓 ''暂时分手''? 我相信很少人可以接受到这四个字,讲的一方一定觉得这四个字可以给到他们时间想想他们自己要的是什么?要求的是什么?这不会很自私吗?当然我写这个的时候我一定有身同感受啦~而且还是听得那一方!

好啦, 学了什么是暂时分手, 我们再来看看这个字 "好". 到了 二零零九年 六月 二十四日, 我人生开始一段很难接受的人生, 我遇到了一个就算我去 google search 也找不到的答案的问题! 那个问题就是
" 好 " 都不好啊? 为什么我会说这个呢? 我可以很肯定的说因为我也不知道! 我真的很希望这个"问题" 可以找到她/他的另一半, 她/他就是 "答案"! 我有个朋友很对电脑 "一点也没有不懂", 就是很厉害啦~ 当我问他问题的时候,他会讲 : " diuzzz~ google search la!! " 到了这一天我终于有一个问题, 他是不会diu我, 叫我去google search, 因为我相信他也不会答我这个问题! 我也答会他一句了: " diuzzzz~~~google 都不是好 " geng " ze ma~"....

Friday, July 3, 2009

Introduction of sadness

The first question i would like to ask is what is sad? i believe that every one had go through the experience of sad....