Wednesday, September 9, 2009


原来一个人没东西作的时候可以这么的恐怖。恐怖到什么东西都没做,恐怖到什么东西都没做到。今天将会是我写的最后一篇的部落格,不想再写了,写到很累很累,写到太阳也往东边跑了下去~ 一路来都以为人生是那么的崎岖,那么的难走,原来是那么的简单,用两种颜色就可以代替了“生活“这两个子,当你不开心的时候,那就用灰咯,当你很恨不开心的时候,那不就是“巨灰“咯,开心的时候“蓝“肯定离不开天空啦!很恨恨恨开心不就是“巨蓝“罢了嘛~人生中就是开心和不开心罢了嘛,不是蓝就是灰咯,有什么那么复杂????很多东西都很简单罢了,either 分手 或者 不分手!喜欢 或 不喜欢! 没其他的啦~ 就是那么简单 有 或 没有, 接受 或 不接受。就是这个看跟不看之间,我看回了和一大班朋友去爬山的时候的照片,原来我也曾经有过一些正式灿烂的笑容,突然好想好想回到以前的我,现在到底是什么一回事?我也不知道!别再灰了啦!醒来啦!够了啦!不写了。。。。再见各位!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

sorry not a pill of a problem!!

sorry not a word to solve problem, u think after did somethings then say sorry all the things will become good? and all the problem will gone? fuckssss off plz

some nice sentence

My kind of math
M = :(
M + F = :)
M + F² = :))

Sunday, August 30, 2009

negative side

0201 edi he alone sit at genting starbuck, don't know how to say the feeling,
just feel damn fucking lonely, see them all one pair pair, really feel so suck,
keep thinking of her, keep thinking about the time when with her, the feeling
really so suck, keep on thinking if now still with her, he will so happy and feel
so happinese, he keep blame hisself, why why? why dont maintain the relation porperly
, feel damn fucking regret...he really jelous when saw one pairpair, when saw how
sweet is them, and he think only he alone, his heart keep on think about her, and feel
so pain, really freaking pain! he think about so long, finally he found out the reason, he got
no ability to have to a girlfrenz, not requirement also dont have, he really suckss,
he not a good guy, he cant do well in all the things, include study...all the things
suckssss, how come become no confident at all, when? when he become like that? before
today he still keep on tell himself, must be strong make his life more wonderful, why
suddenly drop to negative again? why cannot be a happy guy? why cannot cheer up...what the

Saturday, August 29, 2009


0442 already he was drunk is this moment, he use upp all the energy to fiinish this blog. he think alot of things about her x, and the good memory, he think that she is a very good gf. she very care him, she very very care him...he so sad so sad and so sad. he still love her and he still cant put down ehr...cant still loveee

Thursday, August 27, 2009

c+ 痛 c+

0521的时候,下起了一场雨。把温度慢慢的降低了,这个时候的他觉得很冷很冷, 很需要一张温暖的"被"。往往需要一样东西的时候她都不会出现,当你没什么想要的时候,她却跟你说:"你怎样了?" 这种感觉真的很令人讨厌。今天的他得到了他一直在担心的东西, 成绩!他讲过,他希望他的成绩永远都会是c+,果然的这次的成绩得到了两个c+,因为他的x的名叫c+嘛~不懂该开心还是要把自己当作是很开心,两科都过了因该很开心,但却被这两个c把心情搞到非一般的低落,"回忆"已经变成了一种伤人的武器,也可以作为一粒很好的开心药丸!在他的世界里,却是一把很锋利的刀,这把刀已经深深的插入的他的心,而现在就是慢慢拔出来的时候,这个时候才是真正开始痛得时候。越好的回忆,越开心的地回忆,越开心的时刻,对那来说就换来了:很堕落的时候,很痛的时候和很一段很难熬和一个不懂几时才会完的"思念"!天下了雨,就好像流下了泪,是否可怜他呢?我就说不是,天在伤心为什么人可以笨到这样!为什么他会创造这种这么笨的生物出来。其实爱情比任何东西都难算!比任何东西都难维持!因为爱情没得算得!算不到的!预测不到到底会怎样的!痛仍然在,伤痕仍然在慢慢的流下血,伤口痊愈的时间还再慢慢的倒流!好回的时间到底会是几时?是不是要等到河流都会逆流的时候?是几时~~~~~~~~~~??

Saturday, August 22, 2009


今天的他取道了很多地方,去了很多很多他跟她充满了回忆的地方,他去到了"the ship"吃了一个晚餐,原来一个简单的起点可以带到一个人回到去那么那么的远,可以令到一个人对到那么那么的从前!penang 是他们相识的地方, 也是他们第一次一起晚餐的地方,就一个简单的晚餐令到他对所有的一切失去了味道,很好吃的牛扒已经变成了一块简简单单的肉!完全没完了味道。再吃多一口,就只是苦的味道了!也不会再想把这块肉放进口。原来好的东西不回绵绵不绝的,不好的或痛得就会了,就感觉上好像爱上了你一样,时常都陪在你左右!他朋友把他带到了他第一次让他女友请他吃东西的地方,他想起了更多更多的回忆,很恨恨不懂怎样说!为什么为什么?人可以这么的弱,很大件事吗?不可以坚强一点吗?不可以把那部当作一回事吗?是怎样的?他好像真的不懂!原来爱情这么伤,比想像中还难!泪水总是不听话,幸福躲起来不声不响!